1. Fundamental laws of willpower

    1. Willpower is a muscle – Build it overtime
    2. Willpower is finite – It gets depleted again the next day
    3. Only 1 bucket of willpower – It comes from the same source for whatever purpose
  2. Four kinds of willpower

  3. When to/When not to use it

    1. Use to create keystone habits – Success comes from habits nurtured overtime
    2. Use to break bad habits
    3. Do not use it all the time – Use it only when you can make the best use of it
  4. Strengthening willpower

    1. Low GI diet – Have a consistent diet
    2. Sleep
    3. Willpower workout – Exercise and work on it to improve willpower
  5. What depletes it?

    1. Stress
    2. Using it on small things
    3. Decision Fatigue – Make decisions as automatic as possible to maximize willpower
  6. Outsmarting yourself

    1. Have the right environment – Have the right people around you who will move your life in the right direction
    2. Pre-commitments
    3. Proximal not Distal goals – Take a big goal and divide it into small chunks over time. We are more effective with proximal goals
    4. Outsourcing Monitoring – Use high-level of thinking to tap into your emotions and exceed in life


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