Discussed in this Video:

  1. Linear versus non-linear time – It is either now or never. Think of time as non-linear as if there is no future or past.
  2. Become a warrior – Forget safety and live where you fear to live.
  3. No, you will never find the time – You have to make the time by creating your day by being ruthless.
  4. Action Orientation – Doing is one of the most underrated things that ever was.
  5. Identity – Risk your identity for a bigger future.
  6. Beating Procrastination – Get as small as you can and tear down the big tasks to get momentum to take action on it.
  7. Obstacles are good – They get us to identify what we are made of.
  8. Systems – Structure leads to freedom and creativity.
  9. Optimism is a Tool not a feeling – We just have to know that it is an effective tool.
  10. Serving is the opposite of pleasing – Use your time to help others instead of focusing on your needs.
  11. Deadlines and Urgency – Have a sense of priority, create it to be able to reach your goals.