Duct Tape Marketing -Marketing Strategy and Systems w/ John Jantsch


  1. Marketing – getting someone who has a need to know, like and trust you
  2. You need systems and systems thinking to run your marketing universe
    1. All tactics must be filtered through your marketing strategy
  3. Embrace marketing hour glass not funnel
  4. Create a lead conversion  system
  5. Live by your marketing calendar

Strategy before tactics

  1. Strategy is HOW you will get there
    1. Not goals, mission and objectives
  2. 3 steps to developing marketing strategy:
    1. Identify who matters – narrowly defined niche of target audience
    2. Be different – contrast
      1. stand for something different
    3. Connect the dots from step 1 and 2 to get your ideal strategy
      1. Talk to people in order to understand your point of differentiation.
      2. Enter proven markets with significant points of differentiation

Identify your ideal client 

  1. How to find your niche
    1. Start with the most profitable segment of your market
    2. Start looking for common traits/demographics to understand what your target audience is like
    3. Understand their behavior
      1. What motivates them
      2. What frustrates
      3. what do they want
    4. Create a bio sketch of this person in as much detail as possible … to the point that you can see, feel, live and breathe that person any moment
    5. You might have more than one profile …. that is OK
      1. Filter every decision through their eyes
    6. What exactly is the problem/burning desire that the customer wants to get resolved? Help them resolve that
    7. No matter what you THINK you are selling, it is the customer who decides what you are selling and they will tell you what they are buying
    8. Does this market value what you are offering that they will pay a premium for your product/service?
    9. Visualize real people – what are they thinking, acting, feeling, breathing etc? That will tell you how to talk to them and market to them

Your core marketing message 

  1. How does your business Stand out in crowd?
  2. Get out of the commodity business
    1. Otherwise, price is the only way to compete
  3. Steps
    1. Discover capture and commit to a unique position
      1. Ways to capture the difference
        1. You can’t just be different. You have to also be valuable
        2. Can you become known for the offer you make?
        3. Memorable personality
        4. Best way to figure it out is to sometimes ask your client
          1. Why did you hire us
          2. What did we do differently
          3. Look at competition for clues
      2. Why do you really sell?
        1. Insurance or peace of mind
    2. Create a marketing purposes statement
      1. Not communicated to your customer but instead used internally
      2. Identify the enemy
      3. Your mission?
    3. Craft a simple core message to use in all of your marketing
      1. What is the chief benefit of doing business with your firm?

MARKETING HOURGLASS: create products for every stage of client development 

  1. Marketing hour glass
    1. Know
    2. Like
    3. Trust
    4. Try- email capture, freebies
    5. Buy- low cost
    6. Repeat- high cost
    7. Refer – clients become champions

Content marketing 

  1. Build trust
  2. Testimonials
  3. Reviews
  4. Success stories
  5. Always start with the purpose of why you are producing the content.
  6. A way to simplify:
    1. Instead of writing your marketing material … speak it into your mic and get it transcribed. That will come off as much more authentic and original and that will sell way better than any piece of sales copy you write.

Systematic Referral machine

  1. Referral marketing – Your existing clients bringing you new clients
  2. We must actively participate in getting referrals
  3. 2 Keys to getting referrals
    1. We need a system in order to get referrals
    2. We need to get over the fear of asking for referrals.
      1. People like to give referrals
      2. It makes them look good
      3. They would like to tell anyone who would listen that they got a great deal
  4. Why It’s the Greatest return on your time and money
    1. More qualified clients
    2. Borrowed credibility and trust
    3. Fewer issues regarding price.
    4. It makes your company better. We work harder to get referrals
  5. Best sources are existing clients
    1. Have a profile of your best referral sources
  6. Make it an expectation
  7. Do it during the honeymoon phase
    1. Ask for it very early….when they are hot for you
  8. They need to know the type of referral you are looking for
  9. Tell them how you will follow up with your referrals
  10. Make it very easy for them to refer you
    1. Show them how to do it
    2. Tel them exactly the kind of referral you want
    3. Give them everything they need for referral
  11. Magic rule- you will receive more referrals if you give more referrals

Commit to your marketing with a plan, budget, and calendar 

  1. Set marketing goals and communicate them
    1. Vision goals
    2. Tactical goals
  2. Your tactical marketing goals should tie to revenue and profits
  3. Have a marketing budget
    1. You should spend as little as you need to in order to make your revenue
  4. Create marketing calendar
    1. Year
    2. Month
    3. Week

Important Links

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