Big Ideas

Thought Awareness Training

  1. Meditation – Breath Based meditation
    • Simply bring back your mind to the present moment and your breath
    • Repetitive action of catching the mind as it runs off with the intention of bringing it back to the task of  watching the breath
    • The real moment of awareness = When you catch your mind and bring it to the present moment
  2. We have to become the Observer of and not a participant in our thoughts
    • It’s like Physical exercise
      • We are never done exercising
      • We never master exercise
  3. Develop the understanding that You are not your thoughts
    • You are the observer of your thoughts
  4. Developing the observer within us

Defining this Moment = Interpretation creates Experiences

  1. Your interpretation of the moment determines your experience of it
    • We don’t experience judgment when we are fully in the moment

The Perfect Life = Embracing Constant Change

  1. Paradox = Difficult changes require inner strength, but at the same time they create inner strength as we experience them!
  2. When faced with difficulties/change -> Stay oriented to the observer

Premeditated Procedures

  1. Premeditated Procedure = Deciding what you will do in a difficult situation before you are in it
  2. Creating a Step-by-step plan
  3. Procedures eliminate the need to make decisions in the middle of difficult situations
  4. The Key is to be able to stay in control in a challenging situation
    • And stay oriented to the observer
  5. Create Premeditated Procedures:
    • When you have anxious thoughts – How will you act in face of those thoughts?

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